A look back: Prolight + Sound 2024

The VDT can look back on a thoroughly successful Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt. The VDT Village was well attended throughout and the association and its work received a lot of encouragement and membership growth during the event. In this context, special thanks go to our VDT stand team, who were available around the clock to answer visitors' questions and provide information about the association. Our get-together with live music on Wednesday evening quickly developed into a really nice get-together, with plenty of opportunity for personal discussions and networking.

Our free seminar program, the ProAudio College, took place for the second time. It once again attracted a large number of participants this year. This time, the extensive program covered the topics of sound reinforcement, mixing in the home studio, audio networks and also offered modules from the SQQ7 curriculum. In view of the extremely high demand for the format, further events of this kind are sure to follow.